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Terms & Policy

FEIMA will:


  Deal with both its clients and the interim managers which FEIMA represents (Associates) at all times in     a thoroughly fair, objective and professional manner

  Conduct all marketing and publicity activity in a manner which maintains the highest standards of     fairness, honesty and integrity

  Ensure that in all respects FEIMA complies fully with the requirements of the law, including matters of     employment, taxation and National Insurance


  Where appropriate, visit the institution seeking an interim manager to clearly establish the nature of the     role to be filled, and provide objective professional advice on the appropriateness of an interim     management solution

  Provide a shortlist of suitable FEIMA Associates to the client within five working days of first contact

  Provide a written statement to the client setting out clearly the extent and nature of the service to be     provided by FEIMA and the Associate

  Provide the client with a clear statement of FEIMA's terms of business, which shall be agreed before the     Associate is appointed

  Treat as totally confidential all information provided by the client concerning all aspects of their     business, and require Associates to give a similar undertaking

  Brief each Associate fully with regard to the nature and duration of the assignment prior to     commencement, and ensure that the Associate is aware of relevant contractual arrangements between     FEIMA and the client


  Maintain a register of Associates who have substantial management experience at Head of Department     or Cross-College Manager level or above and are willing and able to work at short notice on a temporary     basis in Education

  Take up references and ensure as far as we are able that potential Associates meet our criterion of     having successfully carried out substantial management responsibilities in Education at the level for     which they are registered or above before they are accepted onto the register

  Carefully assess their abilities and qualifications for the management position to be filled before     recommending them to clients

  Observe the best equal opportunities practice in terms of gender, race, age, disability and sexual     orientation, ensuring that to the best of our ability we will recommend to clients the most appropriate     Associate(s) available on the basis of expertise and experience, and where relevant, geographical     location

  Assist Associates to keep abreast of major policy issues and trends in Education

If you have any queries regarding our policy, please contact us here.

Kind regards.

FEIMA Administration


 +44 (0) 20 83253110
  Copyright © 2010 - FEIMA - All Rights Reserved


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